GPSC Latest Updates 24th September 2020 | GPSC Application Scrutiny | GPSC Dowry Prohibition Officer | GPSC Assistant Engineer (Electrical) | The Gujarat Public Service Commission (GPSC) was formed under article 315(1) in the Constitution of India on 1 May 1960. To select applicants for civil service jobs in the Indian state of Gujarat according to the merits of the applicants and the rules of reservation. It was formed in 1960. As per Article no.316 Constitution of India, the State government has the power to select members and chairman of their own state’s PSC. A chairman and members of GPSC can stay on their position till 6 years or 62 both of them which is early. Now Dinesh Dasa is the current chairman of GPSC.
- List of Eligible Candidates for Application Scrutiny of Advt. No. 83/2019-20, Dowry Prohibition Officer cum Protection Officer, General State Service, Class-2, Women and Child Development Department
- List of Eligible Candidates for Application Scrutiny of Advt. No. 82/2019-20 Assistant Engineer (Electrical), Class-2, Road and Building Department
- Recommendation from the waiting list as on 22-09-2020 of Advt. No. 56/2017-18 Lecturer, Swasthavritta, Class-2
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